Jan 21, 2009

Work--A blessing in disguise

Will was down for a nap so I took advantage of the free time and shoveled off the driveway before our bible study group came over. Much to my annoyance & frustration, it snowed again a little later so Will and I went outside together as he was done with naps for the day. I decided to try to clear off the driveway while Will was playing. Within seconds Will was over "helping" me shovel and eventually took the shovel away from me. He pushed the shovel up and down the driveway just laughing and proudly smiling at his independence. He would occasionally drop the shovel and need help grabbing the handle again (his mittens were limiting), but would quickly begin shoveling independently again. Although shoveling the driveway is not usually my cup of tea, God truly blessed me with the perspective of a child. How often do we take the time to view God, let alone life, from that child-like perspective? We went in the house to warm up and Will stood at the door crying to go back out to shovel-I tried to tell him that there are nearly daily opportunities to shovel snow.

Jan 16, 2009

Our first entry (16 months late)

Well, we finally got our acts together and started a blog just short of 16 months (after Will was born of course). It has been a very cold week so Will and I (Liz) have been stuck in the house all week, mainly due to my concern for bringing Will out in the below zero weather, so we decided to go out for dinner to break the cabin fever feeling. Will ate his pre-dinner, dinner as he usually does at restaurants (he just can't wait for the food) then he proceeded to eat 4 entire ribs! Steve was really glad he ordered a full rack of ribs so he could enjoy some dinner as well. Regretfully, we did not get a picture of Will's hands & face covered with BBQ sauce-maybe next time. I thought that it would be fun to compare Will's progress so I included a picture of Will from 1 year ago.

William on Jan. 7, 2008

William on Jan. 1, 2009

The weather last week was at least 20 degrees so we did go outside and pull Will in his sled. His cheeks got a little rosy, but he loved it.